
Jan 25, 2022

We would like to inform you that our Organization will remain closed tomorrow 26/01/22, as per the announcement from the Greek General Secretariat for Civil Protection regarding emergency measures due to extreme weather conditions that are currently going on in Athens. For urgent matters, our telephone numbers operate normally and our e-mails are regularly monitored. January 25th, 2022 -  PHRS Head Office

Phoenix Register of Shipping authorized by the Liberian Registry

Feb 07, 2022

On the 13th of January 2022 a bilateral agreement was signed between the maritime authority of Liberia Flag and Phoenix Register of Shipping, for the provision of surveys and issuance of appropriate statutory certificates according to the applicable maritime conventions. The Organization having, from now on, the capacity to class and certify seagoing ships under Liberia flag, opens a new page on its history. The qualitative development of the Organization, the focus on the proper implementation of legislation, the high ranking and steady performance in Paris MoU assessment regime along with its new digital platform ArchimedesInfo were some of the…

Phoenix Register of Shipping authorized by Barbados Maritime Ship Registry

Aug 26, 2022

  We are glad to announce that PHOENIX REGISTER OF SHIPPING S.A. is now authorized by Barbados Maritime Ship Registry (BMSR) for the provision of surveys and issuance of appropriate statutory certificates according to the applicable maritime conventions on behalf of the Barbados Flag Administration. This authorization complements PHRS's qualitative development and diversifies its service portfolio for shipowners, managers and operators.     Feel free to submit your application for surveys/ certification via For more information on the above, do not hesitate to contact us at / . August 25th, 2022 - PHRS Head Office

NL 264/22 | PMA – Flag State Control Inspections

Mar 03, 2022

Refers to: Owners / Managers / Operators of Panamanian flagged vessels, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives      Action Date: Immediate   The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties about the Flag State Control Inspections of all Panamanian vessels. Panamanian vessels, operating within the Paris MOU, which are over twenty (20) years of age, will be subject to Flag State Control Inspections every six months.   The Letter No. 100-01-0132-DGMM-NSM can be found here, for your reference.   March 3rd, 2022 - PHRS Head Office

Holiday Notice

Mar 03, 2022

We would like to inform you that our Organization will remain closed on Monday the 7th of March due to public holiday. We will resume our normal operations on Tuesday the 8th of March. For any urgent matter that might occur, you can always contact our office through the usual telephone numbers and e-mails, as our correspondence is regularly being monitored from our emergency staff.   March 3rd, 2022 - PHRS Head Office