PH.R.S. Newsletter 144/16 | USCG - Ballast Water Management Program Update

Feb 02, 2016

Refers to: Ship Owners / Operators, PH.R.S. Representatives

Applicability: Vessels equipped with Ballast Water Tanks Operating in United States Waters


The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has recently published a Marine Safety Information Bulletin announcing updates to their ballast water management program. The bulletin includes:

  • guidance to comply with Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations Part 151, Subparts C and D
  • a definition of the ‘first scheduled dry-docking’
  • a revision to the terms of the extended compliance date – a vessel’s extended compliance date will now be the ‘next scheduled dry-docking’ after the vessel’s original compliance date.

The text of USCG Title 33, Code of Federal Regulations Part 151, Subparts C and D can be found at the following links:

As always we remain at your disposal for any further information and clarification.

PH.R.S. Head Office – February 2nd, 2016