Newsletter 149/16
April 4th 2016
New Requirements for Stability Instruments on Tankers
Refers to: All Oil Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas Carriers
Convention: MARPOL Annex I Reg. 28, IBC, IGC, BCH and GC Codes, IMO Resolutions MEPC.248(66), MSC.369(93), MSC.370(93), MSC.376(93) and MSC.377(93)
Entry into force: 1 January, 2016, as follows:
- All new tankers constructed (keel laid) on or after 1 January, 2016 (1 July, 2016, for gas carriers)
- Existing Tankers constructed (keel laid) before 1 January, 2016 (1 July, 2016, for gas carriers) must also comply with the requirements (by confirming or upgrading existing equipment, or installing new equipment) at the first applicable scheduled IOPP renewal survey of the ship after 1 January, 2016 (1 July, 2016, for gas carriers under the IGC Code), but not later than 1 January, 2021
Both new and existing oil tankers will have to be fitted with a stability instrument capable of verifying compliance with the relevant intact and damage stability requirements, and it will need to be approved by the Administration.
Existing oil tankers will be given a period of grace for compliance (by the first IOPP renewal survey after the date of entry into force of these amendments)
Alternatively, owners and operators can apply to their Flag Administration for a waiver if their vessel is loaded in accordance with approved conditions and falls into one of the following categories:
- Tankers that are on a dedicated service, with a limited number of permutations of loading so that all anticipated conditions have been approved in the stability information provided to the master in accordance with the relevant regulations
- Tankers where stability verification is made remotely by a means approved by the administration
- Tankers that are loaded within an approved range of loading conditions
- Tankers constructed before 1 January, 2016 (1 July, 2016, for gas carriers), provided with approved limiting KG/GM curves covering all applicable intact and damage stability requirements.
The stability instrument must be approved by the flag administration, taking into account the performance standards recommended by the IMO (Part B, chapter 4 of the 2008 IS Code; Annex, Section 4 of the Circular MSC.1/Circ.1229; and the technical standards defined in part 1 of the Circular MSC.1/Circ. 1461). The loading instrument should have a Document of Approval which clearly reflects this capability.
Given above requirements on stability instrument, the form of the IOPP Form B certificates for oil tankers and IBC/BCH and IGC/GC Certificates of fitness for chemical tankers and gas carriers will be required to reflect the provision of an approved stability instrument on board in accordance with the new regulations, or, alternatively, the applicable waivers granted by the administration.
PH.R.S. remain available to assist owners on the required actions and for reviewing / approval of the new or existing stability instrument.