NL 194/18 | Amendments to Annex V of the MARPOL Convention (Garbage) in force by 1 March 2018

Feb 21, 2018

Refers to: Ship Owners/ Managers, PHRS Representatives/Surveyors
Action Date: February 21st, 2018

The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 70), which was held on October 2016, adopted important amendments to MARPOL V (Garbage) and as such the garbage handling procedure, management method, and record keeping method regarding garbage from ships:

•    Amended MARPOL V adopted by MEPC.277(70) which will enter into force on 1 March 2018.
•    2017 implementation guideline of MARPOL V was amended by MEPC.295(71).

Therefore, vessels are required to implement the following by 1 March 2018:
•    Solid bulk cargoes other than grain shall be classified as declared by the shipper as to whether or not they are harmful to the marine environment (HME). in accordance with appendix I of MEPC.277(70). Please refer to appendix II of MEPC.277(70).

•    Garbage is to be handled taking into account amended garbage category. The Form of Garbage Record Book (GRB) was amended in order to distinguish the information on delivery/discharge of cargo residues. The Record of Garbage Discharges is divided into Part I and Part II.


Part I will be for the use of all ships and Part II will be only required for ships that carry solid bulk cargoes other than grain
Part I: A Plastics / B Food wastes / C Domestic wastes / D Cooking oil / E Incinerator ashes / F Operational wastes / G Animal carcasses / H Fishing gear / I E-waste

Part II: J Cargo residues (non-HME) / K Cargo residues (HME)"

New category of garbage “e-waste” is included in form of GRB. E-waste is defined as any electronic equipment, including its components, sub-assemblies and consumables, when disposed of as a waste.

Furthermore, in order for the ship managers to be aligned by 01 March 2018 with the revised MARPOL Annex V Garbage Requirements,  they should have an effective updated Garbage Record Book and instruct their crews to mark the new Garbage Types on board regarding the “E-Waste” and “Cargo Residues”.
No change has been made regarding the issuance of Statutory Certificate under the MARPOL V as it remains not mandatory.

Every ship of 100 gross tonnage and above, every ship certified to carry 15 or more people and fixed/ floating platforms are required to carry and implement a Garbage Management Plan that specifies procedures to be followed to ensure proper and efficient handling and storage of garbage.  

For your reference please find below :
•    MEPC.277(70) - Amendments to MARPOL Annex V
•    MEPC.295(71) - 2017 implementation guideline of MARPOL V
For more information regarding the issue please do not hesitate to contact us.

February 21st , 2018 – PHRS Head Office