NL 231/20 | Comoros Maritime Administration - Guidance Regarding the Postponement/ Extension of Statutory Certification

Apr 07, 2020

Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators of Comoros flagged vessels, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives     

Action Date: Immediate

The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties of the measures taken by the Maritime Administration of Comoros regarding the postponement and/or extension of statutory certificates and other services due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus.
According to Circular 24, issued by Comoros Maritime Administration on March 28th, all statutory certificates (except for conditional certs.) expiring between March and May 2020 shall exceptionally be extended for a maximum of 3 month period, including DOC/ SMC/ ISS/ MLC and exemption certificates, subject to RO's acceptance and in coordination with the Classification Society.

Regarding vessels holding conditional certificates due to deficiencies or damages on board, which cannot be rectified or corrected, always in coordination with PHRS, shall contact the Administration for further guidance.

Please click 
herefor the full version of Circular 24 (Ref. No 20/01855/COM).

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

April 7th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office