Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives
Action Date: Starting from 1 May 2024
By this message we would like to inform you regarding the amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 14—Mediterranean Sea SOx Emission Control Area (ECA) starting from 1 May 2024.
Adopted by: MEPC.361(79)
Starting from 1 May 2024, the proposed regulation will include the Mediterranean Sea as an Emission Control Area (ECA) for Sulphur Oxides (Sox) and Particulate Matter (PM)
Amendments will start being enforced on 1 May 2025 for all vessels operating in the Mediterranean SOx ECA which will:
1. not be able to use fuel oil onboard with a sulphur content exceeding 0.10% m/m.
2. be required to ensure the 0.10% m/m fuel oil sulphur content limit is documented by the supplier.
3. must carry a written procedure detailing how the fuel changeover is to be carried out (applicable for ships using separate fuels)
Amendments will apply to new and existing ships.
Please treat this matter with the utmost urgency and take all necessary measures to ensure timely compliance.
March 20nth, 2024 - PHRS Head Office